
Submit a tip

Looking to contact us? Please visit our contact page.

Additionally, you can submit tips via email at tips (at)

You can anonymously share tips with us here at Appleosophy. For your privacy and security, we take the following actions:

  • We will always take screenshots of any images you share to ensure minimal data is available.
  • We will only give credit if you would like us to, your preference can be indicated via the form.
  • All tips will be verified to ensure that the tip is legitimate, it’s at our sole discretion whether to publish or not.
  • We reserve the right to post your tip and any other images associated with it, that are submitted via this form.

Submit a tip

Please select whether you would like credit for your tip.

Secure methods to send news tips to Appleosophy

Want to submit a tip to Appleosophy securely? We offer additional ways you can submit a news tip to us.


Telegram messages are heavily encrypted and can self-destruct. If you would like to submit a news tip to Appleosophy on Telegram, please start a “Secret Chat” with our official news tip submission Telegram account.


Signal is a messaging platform with State-of-the-art end-to-end encryption (powered by the open-source Signal Protocol) that keeps conversations secure. Messages in the Signal app can include files, voice notes, images, and videos. It can also be used to make one-to-one voice and video calls. Signal keeps a record of your contact number and the last time you used the app; it does not store or display any information about whom you called and spoke to.

More secure methods coming soon

We will be introducing additional ways you can submit news tips to Appleosophy later this year.